Liebster Award

Hello everyone!

I was recently (Cof cof! Weeks and weeks ago!) nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Vicky from BeautyFull so that’s what I’m doing today! Thank you, Vicky! I don’t know where I’m gonna get the 11 random facts, but eh, we’ll see… xD

Also, I’m sorry I’ve been kinda off lately, I’ve “lost” some friends, my laptop broke for good and I just found out I’m probably going to have to retire from my sports, so as you can probably guess I’m not in the best of moods to do much. Again, so sorry, on to the award.



  • You must answer the 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you;
  • You must list 11 random/fun facts about yourself;
  • You must pick 11 nominees with under 200 followers to answer your questions;
  • You cannot nominate the person who nominated you;
  • You must let the people you nominate know they have been nominated.


1.Which is your favorite blog to read?
Either The Sunday Girl, For Vanity’s Sake or Cat Eyes Red Lips.

2. Do you prefer texting or phone calls?
Depends on who I’m “talking” to but I usually prefer phone calls.

3. What are your hopes for your blog?
Mostly, I hope what I’m doing here helps other people to discover the fun of makeup. =) I’m also hoping I can come up with time to have a consistent posting schedule. I’ve been failing miserably at that last one though.

4. What is your favorite brand of chocolate?
Either Lindt or Guylian.

5. Do you have any hairstyles/clothes you used to wear that you now regret?
Not that I can think of.

6. Who is your style icon?
No one. My style is based on whatever I like or feel like wearing.

7. Do you have one makeup product you reach for everyday?
Foundation/BB Cream. It’s my must have.

8. What is the best thing that has happened to you this year?
Having someone really important to me become closer than he already was before.

9. If you could switch places with any person in the world for one day who would it be and why?
No one. I love my life just the way it is and wouldn’t trade my family and friends for anything for even just one single day. šŸ™‚

10. What is the first website you go to when you get online? I have to be reachable by email at all times because of my… half job. xD I’m between quitting/not quitting.

11. How often do you buy makeup?
Far too often. xD I’ll buy at least one product every week, most of the times more often than that.


  1. My mom and my boyfriend have this freaking annoying thing they do to me: they call my name nonstop over and over TOGETHER just to annoy the crap right out of me. It works, that’s an infallible way to drive me insane. And homicidal. -.-
  2. Cats and horses are my most favorite animals.
  3. I LOVE horror movies.
  4. I’ve been enjoying the Tinker Bell movies lately, and I usually don’t have the patience to watch animation movies… Go figure!
  5. I have a tendency to wake up relatively early in the morning and to stay in bed half asleep/pretending to be asleep until it’s lunch time because I’m lazy. šŸ˜€ Luckily, I can only do this when I don’t have to work/go to college/go to practice, so at least it doesn’t happen very often.
  6. I absolutely despise spiders.
  7. I have been in college for 6 years now. Yes, you can count 2 majors on that time, but you can also bet I am sick of college and technical books.
  8. I’m always cold. ALWAYS. I’d live by my heater in the summer if I didn’t have people hiding it from me.
  9. My mom hides condensed/sweetened milk cans all through her house. You know why? If I see one, I’ll eat it all! šŸ˜€
  10. She does the same with Caramel Bailey’s ever since I were drinking it from a mug, she asked (all surprised) if I was drinking milk and I said yes with a big smile upon my face. šŸ˜€ In case you’re wondering, nope, she doesn’t try and stop me from drinking alcoholic beverages. She tries and stops me from fooling her and laughing right after.
  11. I love Starbucks. I’d go there everyday if I weren’t cheap. šŸ˜€


  1. Jules from For Vanity’s Sake;
  2. Jacquie from Jacquie Navarro;
  3. Lea from Being Pretty;
  4. Nicole from Nicole’s Confessions;
  5. Nicole from Bolt Blogs;
  6. Catherine from The Teen Beauty Blog;
  7. Poppy from TalkerBlogger (And I’m so sorry if I got your name wrong!);
  8. Tania from Girl Fabulous Blog;
  9. Annie from Annie’s Beauty…;
  10. Tara from Beaus and Bows;
  11. Jess from Dupes Are a Girl’s Best Friend.
  1. Why did you start your blog?
  2. What’s your favorite season and why?
  3. One of the happiest moments of your life?
  4. What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to blogging?
  5. What is usually a normal day for you?
  6. What do you like to do for yourself when you come home half dead for being so tired?
  7. What is the very first thing you do in the morning?
  8. Tea or coffee?
  9. Where’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to?
  10. Who is the first person you go to in times of need?
  11. Your favorite magazine?

Yes, some of them have over 200 followers but as far as I know the original version of this award stated they had to have less than 2000 followers and I need more people to nominate, so there.
This is all I have for today, thank you for reading and, until next time, have fun! šŸ˜€


2 thoughts on “Liebster Award

    • It doesn’t bother me much because I usually have a heater nearby, my bed with loads of blankets, my jacket or my boyfriend with his jacket that he always carries around in case I get cold. xD It’s only annoying when I’m traveling in a car or something and everyone’s feeling too hot and they open the windows and then I’m like freezing to death. xD
      Sorry for the late reply, I’m at the end of the world with barely no internet, lol. It times out every 2 minutes. I need internet to inform my nominees. D:



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